Monday, December 30, 2013

Wonderful Winter Weather.

Hi there! After four ridiculous days of being super sick, I'm finally at least a little better. Today was gorgeous weather, so I put on my warmest coat and boots and went out a little. It was so nice to breathe fresh air and get some sun beams on my skin. Even got a little freckleface ;D 

I feel: somewhere between calmness and panic.
I hear: Adele's Someone like you.
I think: If time will just always always always fix the pain or if it someday will be too much for time to wash away the pain.
I wish: I was somewhere warm, probably on the beach and don't worry about the world for a little.
I miss: laughing with my best friend.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Over & Out.

Hello Lovelys! Since christmas is over, here comes my late christmas update. So, I'm back on track.

Christmas Market with the family. After we went to a concert from the Berlin Star Singers. Lovely Night (:

Daytrip with my friends to Leipzig. The Christmas Market was very pretty and much more traditional, I loved it!

Christmas Eve at my parents. My Sister and I
First Course of the christmas menu. nomnom.

It was really unusual but very nice to spend christmas eve only with my parents and my sister. The past years, the whole family christmas ceremony took place at our house... so, this was more quiet and chilled. Over the holidays though, we either had people visiting or went to visit but I guess that's what christmas is all about, right?!
I gotta admit I am a little annoyed by people's probably most important part of christmas: the presents. Either people will wish me a wonderful christmas with lots of presents or afterwards all they are asking is what I got for christmas. "Did you get something nice for christmas? What did you get? What did you give you parents?"... blablablah. Is it really that important? I mean yeah, we got presents under the christmas tree, a lot. But does that mean, that's all about christmas? No! I really enjoyed the time with my family, watching fairy tales, cooking and all that.
Hope you all had a magical-wondeful christmas!! xx

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Cheering Christmas

Hello there (: I can't say it enough how much I love christmas time! Unfortunately, I've been really busy with school projects and studying in general for Uni, exams coming up. But I thought today, I would do a little update about me being in christmas mood. 

Came through the mail from Mama-Nikolaus (:

Christmasmarket in Braunschweig. First time this year!!! Lovely Lights*-*


Schmalzkuchen mit Nutella!
I feel: the sun coming through the window, shining directly in my face.
I think: I should get going and get ready to go to Uni.
I wish: it was friday to finally go home for christmas.
I miss: the snow!!!

Monday, December 2, 2013

December Days.

Helloooo!! Oh Gosh, it's December!! It's one out of twelve months in a year but for me December is not like any other. I mean you know, there is not really a big difference between July and August or may and November etc. but December is just a special time of a year, I guess. There is just so much I associate this month with. It's finally getting ice cold and snowy outside. Every day, I open up one of my little stockings from the Advent Calender. The house is decorated with christmas stuff and candles. Christmas is not far, so christmas shopping tends to be a side effect of a lot other things I do. Exams come closer and closer, so studying is number one on the To Do-List. ...but the most scary thing with theee december is, that it's almost the end of a year eventhough I do exactly remember last december like it was yesterday.
So, well let's not hate December, because it's christmas time (:
