Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Fruity Fragrance.

Hi Hey Hello!
There is something about Victoria's Secret body splashes, that remind me of the young lovely teenager bloggers from Scandinavia or so, who would probably own every single scent of the splashes, that would neatly be arranged on a special shelf at the most obvious corner of their room, haha. I don't want to insult anyone with this, I just think it is very funny how those products have been hyped and started to get this popular. - I wonder who started this because I myself think the body splashes from the American brand Bath & Body Works are much more worth buying and cheaper.
Oh well, even though the number of B&BW sprays predominate in my bathroom cabin, here comes my favorite highlyhyped-fancypantsy-victoria's-secret-bodysplash and I love it to death. I've been a very faithful user of this one frangrance for years now. - LOVE SPELL
cherry Blossom & peach.

I got it at a parfume store at the Outlet Center in Berlin (and no, unfortunately not for an outlet kinda price) and I was really surprised they had it at such store. I was very happy though because my old one was almost empty, that I had to be very saving the last couple of month. 
What's your favorite? 

Monday, February 23, 2015

Her Heart.

Hey there beautiful people!
Does anyone of you have those nights you can't fall asleep and wish you could switch off your mind?! There you go...

2am. One of those nights she can’t fall asleep. Is it because of her heart beating so loud she can hear every single beat or is it her worries in her head screaming to be solved? "too much coffee" she thinks. She drank a huge mug in the afternoon, because she probably didn’t feel good - she was tired and thought it would make it better - It didn’t though. That’s the thing with caffeine drinks - they never help you when they should. Instead of making you stay focused throughout the day, it makes your heart beat faster. The unusual fast beats scare the hell out of her. 02:30am. Still awake. BumpBump. Her Heart beats faster. Besides the maintaining worries in her head, her mind is now stressing out about needing to fall asleep because otherwise tomorrow will be terrible - starting a Monday with a huge lack of sleep is not going to be a good base for a productive week. Her heart beats so strong, she is feeling her chest moving up and down. “Need fresh air”, she thinks. Opening the window. A big breeze of cold clear air is going through her lungs, float up her body and finally coming up her head. It feels relieving, energizing. She can’t keep her eyes open -can’t help it. Her body is tired, her mind is wide awake. While trying to relax, her thoughts are drifting away. Suddenly there is a huge shower coming over her, the feeling of goose bumps, that make her shake. She is shutting the window wanting to escape back into her warm cozy bed. The thoughts are back in her head making her feel dizzy. “Why can I not switch off my brain for once” she thought. 3am. The sound of the clock ticking slowly fades away from her ears. Her thoughts are no longer in her mind stopping her from sleeping. Breathing becomes slower and there she is diving into dreamland being carefree like no other time of the day. Finally.


Sunday, February 22, 2015

Phone Photobooth.

Hi there!
My rule number one with taking pictures was pretty simple: take it with your SLR or don't take it at all. But throughout the years it has been quite a pain because I never had a 'simple' picture of 'little' - let's call it 'less important' - things, because obviously you don't carry your camera everywhere... The other reason was, that I don't know how. Yes, seriously I am a retard when it comes to taking pictures with a - with any - mobile phone. It feels extremely odd to take pictures with it and at the same time to try to make it look nice. But I knew I should learn how to. So one of my self-reminders for 2014 was: #28495 Take photos with your mobile phone. - And it worked out pretty OK, I think.
Here is an update from my last couple of weeks, that didn't make it through my canon. (:
1. Watching the most beautiful sunset when my sister and I waited for the train to go back home from the berlin outlet centre.
2. Selfie in the changing room of this royal blue shirt - it fit awfully but I love this color.
3. A First: Matcha Latte - it tasted pretty good! 
4. At Dean&David having salad and tea with my sister.
5. To get or not to get - that is the question. I did not.
6. Flea market with my lovely friend.
7. Fell in love with these shoes, couldn't resist buying them. Pictures are coming up asap.
8. Flea market treasures.
9. I had to run some errands and instead of making my boring ponytail, I put my hair up in a braid within literally 5 minutes. - When looking at the pictures I was amazed how good the hair looked even if I didn't put much effort to it.
10. Exactement.
11. After 4 month of only having an ugly light bulb hangning from the ceiling, I finally got my little chandelier.
12. At my friends for dinner - mashed parsnip-savoy cabbage with chicken nuggets covored in hazelnut-parmesan powder
13. Runing Team Nike  
14. My beloved bed - changed my room a little.
15. French braid, red lipstick - Saturday night.
16. Chiara Ferragni.
17. Hipster Glasses.
18. Sunday walk on top of the hill in Berlin. 
19.+20. Working on Fashionweek.


Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Bits & Bobs.

Hello there beautiful people!
There are exactly two options of a Sunday well spent. one: stay in bed all day. two: go to the flea market. Since the weather literally called me to come outside and enjoy the glorious sun, I chose option two. I really like the idea of flea markets and love to browse around the aisles of millions of old unique looking hodgepodge. Here I don't mean rubbish, I talk about gorgeous looking items you don't get at IKEA. Pieces that are beautifully shaped and nicely made, where you are for sure able to tell that this hasn't been produced within the past couple of years. Some people may say this stuff reminds them of their granny - and for some things I am pretty sure it does - but just because it's old and your grandparents owned it, doesn't mean you should categorize it in the pigeon-hole "ugly". So we strolled around and I fell in love with one thing after the other, until I finally found the perfect teapot I have been on the hunt for for months. The man gave me the best deal to take the whole set of dishware besides the teapot. I was a very happy girl going home after  two hours of a nice flea market visit with my little coffee-table-dish. (tea-table-dish would have sounded very odd, haha)

My lovely friend and I went to the antique flea market right on "Straße des 17. Juni" at the train station "Tiergarten" - it is my favorite one in Berlin. It has the perfect seize, nice little stands, that mostly sell antique/baroque-looking items that are high-quality. If you are looking for unique pieces, specially mirrors, chandeliers, books, frames or any kind of dishes, you should check it out, it is so worth going!
Click here for more information.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Picture Perfect.

Hey Lovelys.
Yesterday was an amazing day, a 'straight out of a picture book' kinda day. I woke up to a bright blue sky with tons of sunbeams lighting up my room and finished the day with watching the stunning sunset on the lakeside.
I walked by the gorgeous lake, watched little kids feed the swans and the ducks - there were a million of them. I had coffee time in a sunspot with lake view, just like heaven on earth. 
Here are some saturday impressions: 

When I look outside my window, it looks right the same as yesterday, so I am off to go out with my friend to the flea market - I will take my cam and probably snap some pictures to put up later. 
What are you guys planning on doing for the day?
Hope you guys have a lovely day!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Tea Time.

Hello Beautiful People!
The thing is I love tea and I am pretty much the biggest tea junkie I know. But seriously, what is better than getting crawled up in bed - specially when it's incredibly cold outside - reading a book and drinking delicious hot tea out of this hugely tremendous cup other people don't even own in their gigantic kitchen equipment bigger than their little kitchen cabins can even store. Well and I guess it's fine - not everyone needs them then. Other people would probably wonder about me not having espresso cups or a microwave... So, yes I love tea and I own a pretty big cabinet full of all sorts of tea I have stopped counting - even though I never started. 
So, I've made this tea discovery the other day at Starbucks. It was pretty late evening and I had a chat with my friend and instead of ordering some sort of coffee - because drinking coffee that late wouldn't make me fall asleep the next hours - I ordered tea. I was craving for something sweet that evening but didn't want to buy any fattening deliciously looking desserts, so I decided to go for a rooibos tea flavored with vanilla. Vanilla. Tasty synthetically produced Vanilla. Vanilla aroma! YUM! I thought oh well one cup of it wont make me die and it - UNsurprisingly - tasted very good.
Because here is the rule I have when it comes to buying tea: All ingredients need to be natural without any processed elements. 
Here is the sad part: I didn't only drink it, I also bought a full can of it the day after, because it was so unbelievably tasty. Ughh. 
So, to all of you who don't care about unnatural additives, go buy this tea! - Or maybe you are so used to those strong intensely tasting teas with aroma, that you wouldn't even fancy this one, haha - no offends.
Ok, this was my little stupid story about my tea. Now I go make myself some - not this one though, it is for special occasions, ha.


Sunday, February 8, 2015

Sunday Snatch.

Hi Hey Hello!
Since I no longer live with my parents, I love to return back home for a day or two. It has always been time to escape from the busy city and my everyday life into a world full of memories, people you have known your entire life and smells that you are so familiar with.
This time - since it was Sunday and there was the "Sunday big deal meal" going on, I decided to take the meal on me and cooked for my parents: 
Fish curry with brown rice and salad.
It was a good alternative to chicken curry and it was even more healthy. 

So, my Sunday was pretty much well spent with quality time with my parents, coffee time around the afternoon (which I never do myself), listening to my dad playing the guitar - I adore this - and finishing the day off with a 10K run with my dad.

Hope Everyone is having a good start for the week! - Don't forget to smile (:

Monday, February 2, 2015

Cozy & Comfy.

Hello there! 
So, finally here comes my announced apartment interior photobooth. 
I've moved in a little time ago - that's why some things are still missing and it does not look perfect. I am still very happy finally having my own little space, that I feel absolutely comfortable in. 
I tried to take pictures not necessarily of the shape of the rooms, rather than of the details of the furniture and interior decor. 
What I haven't taken pictures of is my pretty huge balcony, which will for sure look better in spring than right now. Another thing is my most favorite part of the apartment is the stucco-ceiling.





In case you want to know where I got certain pieces from - leave me a comment, I will be happy to answer it. (:

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