Sunday, March 29, 2015


Good Morning! 
Sundays - best days for long mornings in bed with good music, eating clean and working out.

This is my absolute current favorite song, that I am literally listening over and over again and won't get sick of.
I'd love to know what your current favorite song is!!????
Will throw my Nikes on and hit the track in a bit.
Have a great Sunday everyone!

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Loveliest Liebster.

Hello Lovelys!
Ich danke der lieben Katrin für die Nominierung des Liebster Award -eine sehr süße Idee. Das sind übrigens meine ersten deutschen Zeilen auf meinem Blog - das ist wirklich ein wenig komisch. Es war alles ein wenig aufwendig, da ich natürlich sowohl die Fragen, als auch Antworten noch einmal übersetzt habe. Hut ab für diejenigen, die einfach immer zweisprachig schreiben!

Here come my answers:

1. Was ist euer Lieblingszitat?
// What is your favorite quote?

„You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him“ Malcom S. Forbes

2.  Wann habt ihr das bloggen begonnen und wieso?
// When have you started blogging and why?

Vor so zwei Jahren, weil ich die Fotografie einfach liebe und mich gerne von anderen Bloggern inspirieren lasse und mir dachte, dass ich vielleicht auch eine Inspiration für den ein oder anderen sein könnte.

About two years ago because I am a photographer with passion and I always loved to get inspired by other bloggers, so I thought maybe I could be an inspiration for others – so I started.

3. Was sind eure Pläne für die Zukunft?
// What are your plans for the future?

Auf jeden Fall die Welt bereisen. Mal sehen wohin es mich noch verschlägt.

Definitely traveling the world. Let’s see where else it will take me.

4. Welchen Film/Serie schaut ihr am liebsten?
// What is your favorite movie/series?

Ich denke mal hiermit sind die Lieblingsfilme- und Serien gemeint. Und das ist unglaublich schwierig, da ich so etwas gar nicht habe. Ich mag den Film „The United States Of Leland“ (deutsch: „State of Mind“ ). Bei Serien ist das Ganze noch mal viel schwerer. Früher habe ich diese ganzen Serien wie Laguna Beach, The Hills, The City, Gossip Girls etc. geschaut, die mir jetzt einfach arg zu primitiv und oberflächlich sind. Nach ewig langer Zeit habe ich mal wieder eine Serie angefangen  - „Mad Man“. Ich kann es aber noch nicht beurteilen, nur sagen, dass es ein interessanter Plot ist.

I don’t really have favorite movies, but I very much like „The United States Of Leland“.  Some years ago I was really into watching Laguna Beach, The Hills, The City, Gossip Girls etc., but they have just become too primitive and superficial. After a long time of not watching any series, I recently started watching “Mad Man”. I am not far enough to judge it, but it has a very interesting plot.

5. Was war euer peinlichster Moment
// What has been your most embarrassing moment?

Wir haben die Halle für den Abiball dekoriert und viele viele andere Schüler saßen und schauten uns zu, bis dann eine super große Leiter umfiel, ich sie versuchte aufzufangen, sie aber auf mir landete. Mit meinen abnormal aussehenden blauen Flecken (nicht mal Carmouflage konnte da abdecken) ging ich nun zum Abiball, wo sich Leute dann erneut an das wundervolle Geschehen erinnerten, haha.

Mh, maybe it was when we decorated the loctaion for graduation and lots of students were watching because they came for break, a loooong ladder fall over, right on top of me. It bruised me so much, that I went to graduation with two huge dark green-blue-brown bruises all over. No camouflage could cover it. Everyone perfectly reminisced that moment that moment again when they saw the bruises, wahh.

6. Wissen eure Bekannten/Familie/Freunde von eurem Blog und was halten sie davon?
// Do your friends and family know that you’re blogging – what do they think about it?

Ich denke die meisten wissen davon, jedoch rede ich nicht viel darüber. – Wahrscheinlich deshalb, weil ich vermute, dass sie nichts davon halten.

I am pretty sure, most of them know about it, but I don’t talk about it often. That is probably because I think they don’t really see the point in it.

7. Was wolltet ihr als Kind mal werden?
// What was your dream job when you were little?

So, wie ich früher meinen Puppen die Haare gemacht habe, wollte ich es auch an Menschen machen – Friseur. Dann später wollte ich Apothekerin werden – nur leider war mein Hassfach Chemie und ich habe es ab der 11. abgewählt, haha.

Making people the hair the way I’ve done it to my dolls, that was my wish – hairdresser. After kindergarten, I wanted to work as a pharmacist. (I quit chemistry class at the earliest date possible, that was how much I wanted to be a pharmacist, haha)

8. Woher bekommt ihr Ideen für eure Blogposts?
// Where do you get your ideas/inspiration for new posts?

Natürlich lasse ich mich gern von meinen Lieblingsbloggern inspirieren, aber oft sind es die späten Nächte vor dem ins Bett gehen, wo mir ein paar Gedanken durch den Kopf schießen.

I like to get inspo from my favorite bloggers, but most of the times it is those late night thoughts running through my head, that give me the best ideas.

9.Was ist euer größer Traum?
// What is your biggest dream?

Wow, das war immer die letzte Frage in den Freundebüchern in der Grundschule, haha.  Dass ich meine Ansprüche herunterschraube, um 100 % zufrieden zu sein, denn das erleichtert vielleicht nicht alles, aber so einiges.

The question reminds me of those friendship books back in the days – it was always the last one haha. Let’s say to lower my expectations in a way that I am going to live a content life because it makes lots of things easier.

10. Wenn ihr euer ganzes Leben nur noch 5 Lebensmittel essen dürftet, welche wären es?
// If you were allowed to only eat 5 foods for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Eier, Avocado, Käse, Reis und Zitronen – damit könnte ich es vielleicht schaffen zu überleben.

Eggs, avocado, cheese, rice and lemons – Will I stay alive with this?

11. Welches Thema interessiert euch auf anderen Blogs am meisten / Welche Kategorie von Blogs lest ihr?
// Which categories on blogs are you interested? / Which one are you reading the most?

Reiseberichte. Interior. Gedanken.

Travel. Interior. Personal thoughts.

My qestions for you:

1. Wenn du gerade irgendwo anders wohnen könntest, wo wäre das? Wieso?
// If you could live anywhere at the moment, where would it be and why?
2. Was war das Letzte, was du zum allerersten Mal gemacht hast?
// What was the last thing, you did for the first time?
3. Mit welchem kleinen Geschenk würde man dir immer eine Freude machen?
// What kind of a little gift would always make you happy?
4. Nenne drei deiner Lieblingssongs, die auf deiner tägliche Playlist sind.
// Name three of your favorite songs that are on your daily playlist.
5. Verbingst du mehr Zeit dich mit deinem eigenen Blog zu beschäftigen oder mit dem Lesen anderer?
// Do you spend more time for your own blog or reading other blogs?
6. Was war bis jetzt dein Schönster Urlaub?
// What has been your favorite vacation so far?
7. Wenn du eine Sache an deinem momentanen Leben ändern könntest, was wäre es?
// If you could change one thing about your current life, what would it be?
8. Würdest du lieber ohne Musik leben oder niemals mehr bloggen dürfen?
// Would you rather live without music or never be able to blog again?
9. Wenn du traurig bist, was heitert dich wieder auf?
// If you are sad – what always cheers you up?
10. Welches ist dein Lieblingsbuch?
// What is your favorite/recommendable book?
11. Was ist eine komische Angewohnheit/Macke, die du hast?
//What is one weird/odd/creepy habit you have?

I nominate those lovely people:

a delicate mind
Dear to heart
Healthy Souldfood
small & tiny
Bellavita Milena

If anyone else wanna join in, feel free to, but make sure you'll follow the rules (:

Liebster Rules:

❥ Answer my 11 questions.
❥ Link me in your Liebster post.
❥ Nominate any blogs you want to let them answer your questions.
❥ Tell them (comment) you nominated them.
❥ Make a list of 11 questions you want to ask them.
❥ Leave a comment for me when you finished posting.

(Regeln auf Deutsch hier)

Have a gorgeous sunday!

Monday, March 9, 2015

Culture clash.

I’ve been very excited and a bit nervous at the same time about my trip to Jordan – I didn’t know what to expect, had doubts and fears – and true reasons for it because I wasn’t the one choosing the destination at the first place. But I took it as it came and so I flew. I flew into the big big world – on my own, there was only me and the world. Earlier than expected, air-berlin flight assistants were welcoming me with breakfast and a nice smile. There is no flight assistant uniform that is more impressive than the one at Singapore Airlines, I thought. I will always remember this one flight with Singapore airlines – everything was so perfect and beautiful and crazy at the same time. So here I was with my breakfast, which I decided on eating later, diving into a crowd of people – all kinds of different looking people: short people. Tall people. European looking people. African looking people. Asians. Brunettes. blondes. pale people. tanned people – Every kind of people. They spoke afrikaans, French, English, Danish, Japanese, Spanish and so many other languages, that I wasn’t able to identify. I was really enjoying this. It made me feel like I am a million miles away from the world – maybe on a different universe where no unitary culture exists. When I listen to people talk in an unfamiliar language, I always have the urge to ask where they are from. This time though, there was no way of asking – it wouldn’t have had an end so I assumed and probably landed with my mind at a totally different part of the world.  Oh well, I left it at that.
After a little time of rather 'walking' than flying to my destination, I passed through lots of regions in Africa where people smiled at me and wished me a good morning. Of course I was the one always smiling back and greeting them genuinely. There is something about their nearly black eyes – they give me a special feeling, I am not sure what kind of a feeling – maybe a little magical sadness, I don’t quite know. There were a thousand thoughts in my head – I wish to just could have stopped walking and ask everything about their culture – my curiosity rose to infinite. But, instead of getting answers to the countless questions in my head, I had no time to chat and hurried my way further to Jordan – that is where I had to go.

                    J: „Are you german?“
              Me: "Yes. Why, do I not look like one?"
                  J: “No – Youre always smiling and the germans never smile.”

No, I unfortunately did not go on a real trip to all these countries – obviously. But this basically was my first impression of arriving at the International Tourism Fair in Berlin (ITB). Even though my main purpose going there was for work, I still had the chance to get to see as much as possible from the trade show. It was very interesting working with the Jordan people because first of all this is a country I just haven’t had any reference to and what is better than getting to know the country from the natives telling you stories!? They were all very obliging, genuine and appreciative – very different to the German mentality.
There was this one conversation I had which was very interesting. The guy asked me if I was German and so I told him I am and asked him if I don’t seem like one. He replied no and said that I smile so much but Germans never do. It really made me think and honestly it just proves the image I have of the Germans  -  sadly enough. Us grumpy little Germans!! - I will keep smiling and try not to carry on with this bad grumpy image then ((:


Sunday, March 1, 2015

Rare & Random.

Hello there! Why is the weekend always flying by way too fast??? Well, but I think that means it was a good one and you pretty much spent it pretty nicely (:
Here is my weekend outfit with some new in's and the perfect red lipstick shade. Also, I haven't posted an 'about me facts' for so long and always found them so interesting on other bloggers that I thought oh yes that's what I am gonna do. So here is my 20 random facts about me:

1. Receiving flowers or tea as a gift – wow, that shit makes me happy.
2. I suffer from RBF - Resting Bitch Face, which basically means that my doing-nothing-face always looks like I am pissed – apologies! I’d really change that if I could.
3. I am a light sleeper. I wake up from the most little noises and movements – it’s very nerve wrecking.
4. I love buying socks with funny prints on.
5. When I first got my glasses, I hated them so much, that I threw them around my room. Let’s take a minute and be grateful that contact lenses exist.

6. I won’t ever set my alarm to an even time – basically impossible. 06:31AM it is!
7. I am and always have been terrified of public sanitation. – If I was at an unfamiliar place, I would usually ask a friend to come to the restrooms with me. I believe there are dirt bugs coming out of the drain to scare me – most definitely.
8. I love cold sticky pizza.
9. My dad’s philosophy with staying dry from rain is to always bring an umbrella because if you do, it won’t rain. – I deeply believe in that and it works!
10. Watching TV is the last option I would consider if I was bored – I dislike it. IN CASE I do, I would probably be watching a documentary about places, animals, food or psychological stuff. Or the news.

11. I love capers.
12. From when I was little until now: An airplane in the air – how the hell is this working, that shit is magic. (even though I could exactly explain why it works, it’s still incredible.)
13. I wanted to study psychology for so long – I did not because I didn’t want to need therapy too. It still is super interesting.
14. If I could, I would buy myself a new brain with a much bigger memory function. I can’t remember anything. Well, unimportant stuff I do remember, of course.
15. I don’t understand why people always think I am so into fashion and beauty. I like it but at so many times, I could really care less.

16. When eating Toffifee, I bite around the hazelnut and eventually take the nut out as a whole piece and put it neatly back into the little container spots. I still love it to death.
17. If a song is on which I know the lyrics of, I will definitely sing along with it. At parties, grocery stores, on the streets – anywhere.  Well, there doesn’t even need to be a song playing I guess.
18. When I see a cute animal or even stuffed animal – no matter what – I will be so genuine and say hello to them.
19. Nature really amazes me. A lot more than buildings/cities/people. I would just stand there gazing at a panoramic view and forget the world. In those moments the best ideas come into my head and my creativity is infinite. I would probably write stuff down in one of my 83658305 journals.
20. When I first meet people, I always like the ones who don’t hesitate to tell me the ugly mean truth. I don’t trust those I-am-ALWAYS-super-nice-people.

Cardigan: Only
Shirt: Vero Moda 
Jeans: Noisy May
Belt: H&M
Lipstick: Make-up designory; color: Lucky 

Hope you all had a beautiful weekend!