The way you just 'repost' pictures to your own little site makes it all look very anonymous, people may think. As if. It's not a lie that someone's tumblr tells their whole story. It's that emotional chaos kinda life story, I guess.
More emotions. Less materiality.

listened to: You & I - Crystal Fighters
felt: weird shit, I never felt before. literally.
bought: Two sweaters from H&M - for the offical start of the sweater-weather-season, I guess (:
thought: running away does not help either.
read: It's not how good you are, it's how good you want to be. - Paul Arden
saw: two man watching an old lady crumbling out of the train with her walking-rollator. That was the moment when I ran+helped, then questioned people. Again.
watched: The Visit. - It's a good.period. movie. 
none of the shown images are mine; they are found on Tumblr.
Visit my Tumblr here.
Lovelies, if any of you have a tumblr - spam me! (: