Hello Lovelys! Ugh time went by and im finally finished with my exams. Sorry for not blogging in the meantime!! I have a 5week-semesterbreak now and went home yesterday to my parents house near berlin. yay!! Eventhough I love my apartment and living without anybody asking me where I´m going and when I´ll be back, I´m so so so excited to go back home after a long time of exams-studying. I had to take my room with me. At least on camera (:
When I arrived at my parent´s, a package that came in the mail waited to for me, aw. I ordered a new objective for my camera and a canon remote control release. I purchased them on amazon, the camera objective was on sale for about 100€ and I could not find it on the canon website, my theory was that they stopped producing them, so I had to buy it asap. haha. The remote was on sale as well, 18€.
My new little babies:
Ok, so right that evening when I got home, i unpacked the package and took some snapshots with my new camera objective while my sister and I sat down made our nails and ate pudding. "Paula is ne Kuh, die macht nicht einfach muh. Die macht ´nen Pudding der hat Flecken, die kann man sehen und auch schmecken" PAULA haha.
Nailpolish: OPI Skyfall Collection: "Die Another Day", "You Only Live Twice", "The Living Daylights" All purchased at beautybay.com 12.69€ each. (great website:
http://www.beautybay.com/ )
Since I haven´t seen the sun the last 4weeks or so I had to go out with my sister and enjoy the sun today and take some pictures with my new camera objective. And these are not good looking professional pictures but just the way they look and the way it differs to my standard objective (18-55mm f3.5-5.6) is just sooo amazing. I love it!!
My lovely sister<3
Haha Hi
So, I hope everyone is gonna have a wonderful sunny weekend! Keep smiling! xx