So, I am hoping September is going to be nicer than August.
Other than complaining -as usual about the weather, I've got something nice right here. For the fivethousandthreehundredninetysecond time, my sister has been on a buisness trip to Paris, so she brought me those gorgeous looking, most delicious, typical french sweets from Laduree. Seriously, some things may not be worth the hype, but for me this definitely is! No Macaron I've ever eaten has been comparable to those! This is true perfection.
I've been keeping them in the fridge, to wait for a special occasion to eat it with some tea and a book aside, my kind of special occasion, haha. Eating those made me really miss traveling!
I think: too much. Sometimes I get caught in my thoughts thinking "Fuck, why do I think this and that and everything?" It's awkward.
I wish: there wasn't such a drawn picture of our society, that often makes us to feel under pressure.
I wonder: If there is a person out there, that wonders about the same bullshit I do.
I miss: that feeling of not having to worry about the world. I mean, I can't really remember it exactly, but when I was little it surely was a permanent stage of life.
I fear: I am not really a person with lots of fears, I am not scared of the dark, or getting robbed. I fear no loneliness. But I think my biggest fear might be being misunderstood.
Have a great night, everyone!