Going for a walk without any destination, laughing, talking, eating lunch, laughing again, going a little shopping, talking, not being able to stop laughing, getting some drinks, then laughing again. Sounds like 11hrs in Berlin with my best friend.
best friend.
Best friend.
Best Friend.
What's that anyway?
A best friend is someone who always cares about you, who is always there for you in good and bad times. Someone who listens to you, who gives you advice, someone who you can laugh your ass off with and share the best memories with. Someone who understands you perfectly without even speaking, someone who always wants the best for me but wont ever lie to my face. Someone who I can be a 100% myself when we are around and still feel comfortable. The "Best" before "Friend" might only be a word, that people don't use careful enough and find it as something ordinary that will change their meaning every now and then... But for me, I want to call it BESTEST. I don't think people would understand, because they haven't experienced such thing. We've known each other since my little brain was able to think and after so many years we never get tired of each other, ever. She is everything for me and I wouldn't know what to do without her. She is my soulmate, our weirdness fits perfectly together. I am thankful to have such a great person in my life, thank you for everything, I love you!
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