Hello Lovelys! This is the perfect weather to finally get some work done, I would say.
1. Cleaning the apartment 2. Laundry 3. Schoolstuff 4. Working out -CHECK! Since not permanently being at home the last couple weeks, I couldn't manage to get some important little work done, so I thought this weekend would be the perfect time for things like that. haha... What's better than a new freshly made bed, anyway?! It looks so different when the sheets are not pink. But seriously, it's time to quit the I-love-everything-in-pink-phase!! White looks lovely!
Spotted this little cutie a long long time ago in the A&F online store, but I wasn't anywhere close to a shop, so my friend bought it for me in Hamburg, yay. It's not only about how gorgeous it looks, the way it smells is just not to put in words. I almost forgot how amazing "Fierce" smells.(It's a men's fragrance they spray all their clothes with) I got the bottle some years ago with a little fragrance left, I almost forgot about it. Seriously, I've never smelled a male fragrance that is better than this! OMG it smells like heaven on earth. Heaven On Earth. HEAVEN ON EARTH! I need this and I'm gonna buy this. Period.
This was supposed to be a little talk about the button up shirt, haha. Oh well.
Strawberries with non-sugared peanut butter. Best snack in the world! (:
Let's learn how to dance in the rain... I'm getting warmed up with running in the rain in a little, best shit ever! (: Keep your head up, keep your heart strong, Lovers! xx
Laying in bed in the middle of the night, even freezing under the blanket and listening to the pouring rain outside...
Sooo, the princes are just one reason out of a hundred, i guess. Does it rain in Disney, anyway? I wouldn't mind wearing a gorgeous gown all day. just saying.
It's been a busybee day, I gotta escape to Dreamland asap. I find it pretty nice there, too. Have a wonderful weekend, lovelys! xx
Hello Lovelys! I spent the last couple days with my best friend, she came to visit and it was amazing as usual (:
Sitting by the lake with your best friend, talking for hours and getting sun-burned. Grabing some pizza to go later on and sitting by the harbour to watch the sun set and keep on talking because that's what we do <3
Because she loves to take pictures...
...of me.haha.
Walking along in Berlin and singing: "Guten Morgen Berlin, du kannst so hässlich sein. So dreckig und grau, du kannst so schön schrecklich sein..."
Barbie Dream House Alexanderplatz. Well, I would never ever buy a ticket to go in there. Only the building itself it's kinda fun because it's pink. pink. pink. haha Meeting Ken was pretty cool, though. (:
truely madly deeply.
Because she's that kinda girl who becomes happy by the smell of lilac, always cares for the people she loves and never stops believing. <3
Uni calling tomorrow. woohoo.
Please never stop smiling! xx
Lovelys... (: Whereas Paris is popular for its little cute boutiques and unique fashion stores, I was more excited about souvenirs and cosmetics. I was very excited about Sephora because they have all the great brands, that you can't get in Germany other than in online shops. So, except the nailpolish, everything I bought I can't get over here and I'm totally in love with:
Nailpolish "Charged up my Cherry" by OPI: 13,90€
Express Nail Polish Remover with a sponge inside by Sephora: 9,99€
The Multiple (blush) "Orgasm" by NARS: 41,90€
Luminous Bronzer "Snow Bunny" by Too Faced: 36,00€
I know there is such an hype over the Bioderma face cleanser but I feel it is really worth buying because nothing else I've tried before cleans and smoothens my skin as much as this product! I bought this in a "pharmacie" and made such a good deal, usually one bottle of 250ml costs about 13€.
Face cleanser "Créaline H2O" 2x500ml by Bioderma: 16,70€
Neclace and Top by New Look
Jeans Vest by Stradivarius: 29,95€ (this store is pure Love)
Reality got me back. yay! xx
Disneyland is not the real world. Fact. Everything looks like a dream and feels like you're in wonderland. It was my very first time in Disneyland and I really loved it. It's pretty much all about Disney Stores, meeting the characters, carousel kind of activities and rollercoasters. I was a little disappointed that there were only a few characters in the parc, that you are able to meet. Somehow, I thought they would walk around all the time. So, I only got to meet Pluto and was in line for an hour for lovely Mickey. All the others I only saw from far away. I definitely went back in time and was a little child again. But you are never too old for Disney. Ever! (:
Four Days Paris, one day Versailles and one day to Disney was p.e.r.f.e.c.t!!! xx
Hello there, what would be a Paris trip without Versailles?! So, if you are in Paris and got the chance to sneak out for a day, then visit Versailles Castle! It's the perfect place to escape from the city life within 30minutes and to relax in the huge and gorgeous gardens of Versaille Castle. You don't even need to see all of the castle inside, the venues in-and specially outside are breathtaking. This is the most beautiful castle I've been to, it's really worth seeing!