1. Cleaning the apartment 2. Laundry 3. Schoolstuff 4. Working out -CHECK! Since not permanently being at home the last couple weeks, I couldn't manage to get some important little work done, so I thought this weekend would be the perfect time for things like that. haha... What's better than a new freshly made bed, anyway?! It looks so different when the sheets are not pink. But seriously, it's time to quit the I-love-everything-in-pink-phase!! White looks lovely!
This was supposed to be a little talk about the button up shirt, haha. Oh well.
Strawberries with non-sugared peanut butter. Best snack in the world! (:
Let's learn how to dance in the rain... I'm getting warmed up with running in the rain in a little, best shit ever! (: Keep your head up, keep your heart strong, Lovers! xx
You look so much like Aurora Mohn and her cousin. :D I actually thought you were related to them. x
haha this is funny ;D